Friday, May 1, 2009

The Great Recession...

CNN Money offers a look at the current recession as compared to the Great Depression...

Despite the fact that the Great Depression dwarfs what we are going through (in every way), pay particular close attention to the stimulus response:
  • 1934 - 1.5% of GDP increase in spending over 1 year
  • 2009 - 3% of GDP increase in spending over 2 years (and that is just the stimulus package. We have yet to see how much the budget will increase).
Can we say massive over-reaction? But it gets worse...
  • 1933 - Fed increases money supply by 17%
  • 2009 - Fed increase money supply by 140%
Uhh...I am speechless...


Anonymous said...

I'm a social libertarian. Most consider libertarians to be the tightest pocketed politicians. I like many have mixed feelings about the stimulus. I have to trust that the government is doing what is right because everyone I voted for is in office. They have a great opportunity to both screw up royally and to do great things. We all know this however.

I just wanted to thank you for these stats and to say have a great weekend.

Craig A. Mullenbach said...

Ok. The link to this vid didn't work so here is one that does:

I feel so relieved that BO is working hard to cut the budget. lol.