Personal and Professional
- I am a married with two young children.
- I am more than 30 years old, less than 40.
- I am a Bible-believing Christian.
- I work as a software developer and executive for a business-to-business marketing company.
- I live in Andover, MN, which is an outer-ring suburb of the Twin Cities, Minnesota
- I have identified myself as a Republican as far back as 2000. Before that, I was pretty much non-political.
- More recently, I have identified myself as a conservative-first-Republican.
- In 2004, I started actively participating in politics (besides voting).
My Political Concerns/Interests
- I believe in small government. The more government gets involved in matters of private citizens, the more fouled it becomes.
- I believe that the Constitution limits government. That which is not explicitly allowed is denied to the Federal government. Likewise, the Constitution does not grant rights to citizens. It enumerates rights to be protected.
- Over-regulation of business kills jobs and slows the economy. Over-taxation kills jobs and slows the economy. Regulation and taxation, despite sometimes good intentions, always have unintended, negative consequences.
- Our country was founded on a basic set of moral values. These moral values are necessary for a strong nation, and should not be negotiated away. I believe that if we allow those values to decline, our American society will decline.
- The government of the United States of America is responsible for protecting the United States of America. We cannot abdicate our responsibility, nor relinquish our right to protect our country. Our government's responsibility is to the legal citizens of the United States only.
- Political discourse in this country has devolved to a point that we have lost the line between "opposition" and "enemy". Too often, we paint the opposition as the enemy in the arena of public debate. Personal attacks, embarrassment, and "gotcha" politics has replaced honest policy debate. Winning has become more important than principle. This applies EQUALLY to both Democrats and Republicans.
- Generally, I believe that most candidates and elected officials (from any party, at any level) begin as honest, hard-working public servants who serve their country/state/county/city with a legitimate desire to do what they think is right. However, the desire to do good is sometimes overwhelmed by a belief that sometimes, deception is neccessary to continue to do good. (Win at all costs, never admit a mistake). This breeds corruption.
This blog is the private work of Patrick Lorch. I do not write this blog on behalf of any political party, candidate, or other interest group. My writings reflect my views, and my views alone.
I have been active in Republican politics, as well as involved with several campaigns:
- I have been a volunteer for the campaign of Congresswoman Michele Bachmann.
- I have served as an officer my former Republican BPOU (MN Senate District 52). I also been a delegate at various levels of the Minnesota GOP.
- I do not nor have I ever been a paid staff member for a campaign or party.
You may contact me at dinnertableblog (at) gmail (dot) com.