Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Why haven't I been posting?

I haven't really posted lately... I am sure the three people who stumbled across this blog have missed it.

To tell the truth, I have been a little down. But, a post over at Fraters Libertas has lifted my spirites a little. Chad lets reminds us that all is not lost.

Allow me to play the starry-eyed optimist for a moment and provide some advice and perspective. If you can step back from the day to day for a moment and expand your timeframe, you might see that things aren't as bad or as hopeless as they may now appear.

First, some advice. As conservatives we like to consider ourselves to be more realistic about the circumstances of the world and more mature in our outlook (funny that liberals think the same about themselves). So let's not act like petulant teenagers and pout because we didn't get our way. We lost a couple of elections. But it's not the end of the world as we know. Don't repeat the hysteria of the left during the Bush years. No one "stole" your country. This is still America. Still the best country in the world and still the last best hope for mankind.

Go read the whole thing...


Craig A. Mullenbach said...

Finally, a post. I was getting worried and kind of jonesin for one. I agree with Chad's assessment on Romney. I don't think he is a good choice to lead the party. I can't think of anyone, right now, but I'm hopeful that someone will stand out in the next few years. Hopefully, it will be someone more like a Goldwater or Paul.

~katie~ said...

Please keep posting! If you don't, surely some liberal will!