Monday, January 26, 2009

Should ID be required to vote?

I have often wondered what the arguments are against requiring a state-issued photo ID for voting. I saw today that State Reps. Tom Emmer and Mary Kiffmeyer have introduced a bill in Minnesota to require photo IDs to vote.

The most common argument I hear against is "disenfranchising the voter". I don't understand how one additional action on the part of the voter would disenfranchise them.

I also hear the racial argument. Minorities are less likely to have a drivers license. The same is said about the poor.

Couldn't these issues be addressed? Perhaps a state-issued photo ID that is issued during registration? Of course, that probably pre-supposes an end to same-day that another topic?

But in the end, perhaps the greatest right (and, for that matter, one of our greatest responsibilities) as a citizen of our Republic is voting. Shouldn't the protection of that right, and protection of the validity of elections, be a primary concern?

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