Saturday, January 24, 2009

"I won"...

It's been an historic and busy week for President Obama. Of course, on Monday, there were the celebrations of Martin Luther King, Jr. Tuesday was THE DAY...HopeNChange™ was finally here.

Wednesday and Thursday it was about reversing the damage that the Bush administration did. Close Gitmo. Punt on a decision as to what to do with the prisoners there. End the Mexico City policy.

On Friday, President Obama, meeting with Democrat and Republican Congressional leaders on the $1 trillion+ bailout reminded us all about the new post-partisan world he has ushered us in. In response to Republicans who expressed concern about spending in the bill, President Obama delivered a simple message:

"I won."

How much truth there is in those words. Perhaps those two words say more about the upcoming Obama administration than his 20 minute inauguration speech, or even the two-plus years of campaigning...

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