Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Michael Savage banned by the UK...what does it really mean?

I was going to write something about the UK banning conservative radio talk-show host Michael Savage... I am not a fan of Savage. I don't think his over-the-top approach does the conservative movement more harm than good. That's my opinion anyways. However, to lump him in with terrorists and murderers is an absurd move by the British government.

However, the thing that made me more concerned is the reaction of some people back here in the U.S. I was looking over an article about the banning on the web site of the San Francisco Chronicle, and was somewhat appalled at the user comments. Not surprised, but appalled nonetheless.

  • "Ban him from in this country too..."
  • "He should be banned from taking up space on Planet Earth! Three cheers for England!"
  • "Good, it's time these far-right pundits realize they are no different than the Taliban, white supremacists and other hate groups."
Comment after comment. There were a few that expressed disappointment or anger with the UK, but by far, most of them APPLAUDED the UK for its action.


This is what concerns me. I believe that there is a general lack of understanding about what freedom of speech is about. There is NO appreciation for it, which is why it will be easy to take it away. I don't care if you are a left-wing tree-hugger or a right-wing facist or anything in between, as long as you respect the rule of law, you have a right to say what you want. If a government, foreign or domestic, targets individuals for THOUGHTS (as opposed to actions), that freedom is threatened.

If the action of the UK doesn't send a chill down the spine of Americans, right or left, that is scary. If the comments on that web site are even marginally representative of the population, then we may be in real trouble here. Because, if we only care about rights if they agree with me, that is the key indegredient of totalitarianism. Whether that comes from the right or the left, it doesn't matter.


Anonymous said...

Michael Savage is banned from England! Using its same freedom-hating standards, Britain should now ban from its shores that "hate-fostering extremist" known as Jesus - and of course also ban the Queen since she is officially the "Defender of the Faith" that Jesus started!

Anonymous said...

Science, the answer is science. When will the Borg arrive to save this lonely chaotic planet!